Monday, January 25, 2010

Day Two


It was about a 45 minute drive down (and up and down and up and down!) a largely dirt and gravel road to get to Tumul K'in. Creeks and houses peeked out from behind thick palm leaves here and there as we got closer to the school. We all smiled as we pulled into the clearing that is the school grounds and saw the Tumul K'in Center of Learning sign we had previously only seen in photos.

The school leaders greeted us, gave us a tour, and spoke with us about the school and its mission. The staff is dedicated and hard working. We were all impressed with the respect the teachers and students have for each other. The core mission of the school - educating Maya children in both traditional Maya ways as well as preparing them for a successful future in today's society - shone through in every school program.

We jumped right into work: hand chopping a cement classroom floor, building tables for the main hall, going boxes of boxes of books and organizing the library. It was a hard, long, dusty day - a good day's work!

We are proud to be working with Tumul K'in and grateful, as always, for your prayers and support. You are in our thoughts, always.

Much love from the Belize Team 2010

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