Sunday, January 24, 2010

Day One


We arrived safely into Belize city via Houston mid-afternoon yesterday. We were warmly greeted at the airport by familiar faces -- Stephen, who takes care of luggage at the airport, and Philip Elliot, our now-regular driver in Belize. After hellos and hugs were exchanged all around, we hit the road for our 5 hour drive into the jungle. We arrived after dark to Tranquility Lodge, near Punta Gorda.

Sunrise revealed what we had not been able to see in the dark of night: lush jungle, brightly flowering plants and many birds. The jungle is definitely a creation about which God must be greatly pleased!

We worshiped this beautiful Sunday morning at St. Joseph's church in Punta Gorda. It is a tiny, simple, beautiful building. The 16 in our group more than doubled the regular Sunday morning attendance. Lydia presided over a joyful service and preached a heart-felt and moving homily.
Lydia explained why St. Anne's is drawn to Belize: both the facts of Daniel Brown's accident and the wider view that St. Anne's holds -- that we, though many, are truly one body and we are all, globally, brothers and sisters. That our loving relationships with each other are part of loving one another as we are commanded.

St. Anne's was in our hearts and thoughts as we prayed and sang.

We stopped briefly at the Julian Cho Society and met Cristina Coc, a member of the Maya Leadership Society. We will meet up with Cristina again tomorrow at Tumul K'in Center of Learning. We are eager to begin our work there, early tomorrow morning!

With much love from Belize,
The st. Anne's Belize Team 2010

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