Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day Three


There is a new floor in Classroom #2 at Tumul K'in today!

We Americans were not sure how the project would go. Twenty-five + bags of cement to mix, enough to cover the floor of a large classroom, a pile of sand, a few shovels, a hose and two wheelbarrows. Hmm. How would we ever be able to handle the project without a Cemix truck backing up to the classroom door?? By 8:30 am we had our answer. Tumul K'in staff and St. Annians piled into the classroom, everyone shoveled and hauled wheelbarrows full of sand into a mound on the floor of the room. Then they broke open bags of cement and used hoes to mix it with the sand. They made a hole in the middle of the pile, then children lugged in bucket after bucket of water to pour into the middle of the sand/cement mounds. They mixed the whole mess with hoes and shovels right on the classroom floor. After it was mixed, the pile of cement were spread, and another load of sand, cement, and water was mixed and spread beside it.

Six hours later, there is a new floor in Classroom #2!

After the floor was complete we were able to hike up the jungle-covered hills that surround the school. What a beautiful setting for Tumul K'in!

The students and staff of Tumul K'in are amazingly open, kind, friendly and generous. We are truly experiencing God in everyone we meet.

With love from Belize!
The St. Anne's Belize Team 2010

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