Saturday, September 12, 2009

Making a Difference in Belize

Belize Mission 2010
January 23 – February 1, 2010

Helping to build a radio station in the Toledo District of Southern Belize

As part of its community outreach program, Tumul K'in Center of Learning, a Maya residential high school, seeks to establish a self-sustaining community radio station capable of empowering community members in the Maya villages of the Toledo District, with information on their cultural identity, traditional healing, indigenous rights and other topics that will improve their lives.

St. Anne’s 2010 Belize Mission Team includes 13 St. Annians, 1 friend from Yoga class, and 2 relatives from California! These 16 hardy workers will travel to southern Belize in January to help relocate the country’s only Maya Language radio station so it can reach more Mayan villages. The radio station will provide cultural education and community information to areas of the country otherwise quite isolated.
